1:1 support
career coaching
change management
strategic development
new horizon transitions
communication strategies
organisational awareness
employee continuation
employee assistance
personal planning
conflict resolution
skills mentoring
full support
Change Management
Change Management
The management of change is now considered a core competency in today's business environment. This new environment and culture considers change on two levels; business and people, with both needs to be managed to ensure successful Change Processes and business outcomes.
Effective Change Management ensures the reasons for change are understood, Communicated and result in a 'new' state. It encourages clear benchmarking and integrates the global knowledge and best practices of others that have been successful to avoid traps and pitfalls.
Successful Change Management ensures critical success factors are achieved and outcomes are predictable.
Career Stages facilitates successful Change Management Strategies and Change Process Planning while working closely with organisations and individuals throughout the implementation.
Career Stages works with people and organisations undergoing change processes. We provide expert assistance and hands on support at all stages. Our approach is totally focused on the people involved while retaining a clear view of the outcome desired. At the same time our processes are totally flexible and supportive of each case on a case-by-case basis. We do not bring pre-conceived ideas or proposals. We bring experience that focuses the requirements toward achieving the benefits of change in an accelerated way while ensuring the motivation and the drive of the organisation.
Career Stages delivers innovative and successful strategies with you to ensure proper communication channels are maintained. The strategies implemented will vary according to situation.
These will be particularly important when communicating sensitive information such as pending change involving internal change or redundancies.
We work together with the organisations people resource encouraging the momentum for full participation in the implementation and its ongoing successful achievement.
Should you require assistance with the Management of Change and Change Process Change please contact us.
