1:1 support
career coaching
change management
strategic development
new horizon transitions
communication strategies
organisational awareness
employee continuation
employee assistance
personal planning
conflict resolution
skills mentoring
full support
Change Processes
Change Processes
The Change Management Process will vary according to the situation and may include a selection of the following areas...
- Understanding the reasons for change
- Visioning and Purpose
- Projecting the change process forward
- Change strategy development
- People issue idedntifcation and refinement
- Objective setting
- Benchmark processes & objective measurement
- Creating the Change Agents
- Developing the Internal skill base
- Design & Build
- Organisational Structure
- Roles of Individuals and Teams
- Policies and Processes
- Practical Implementation Plan
- Verification & Communication processes
- People
- Implementation
- Communication and Commitment
- Involvement
- Organisation and Individual Alignment
- Behaviour Management
- Career Management
- Coaching and Development
- Change Facilitation
- Achievement
- Results measurement
- Re-alignment
- Performance Management
- Review
- Outcome Validation
- Performance improvement
