1:1 support
career coaching
change management
strategic development
new horizon transitions
communication strategies
organisational awareness
employee continuation
employee assistance
personal planning
conflict resolution
skills mentoring
full support
Staff Development
Staff Development
Enabling people development and the development or retention of key skills needs careful consideration. It is critical to return on investment and to perform in a competitive environment where change is necessary to provide an improvement in effectiveness.
Preserving Leadership, Creativity, Trust and Commitment
People are the very lifeblood of the organisation upon which future performance is dependent so it is particularly rewarding to both organisation and individual when performance is achieved and maintained, particularly during a time of individual or organisational change. During the change process it is imperative that clarity of purpose, leadership, flexibility, creativity, trust and commitment in preserved to enable a smooth transition to the desired future state and to maintain competitive advantage, individual and team performance.
Sustainable change requires motivational achievement which in turn fully depends on the development of individuals and roles. These are at the centre of performance improvement. The need for change at whatever level must be appreciated and the need for the right people within a performance aligned organisation needs to be communicated. Not an easy task but certainly achievable. Change itself is not an easy task and needs to be approached properly. It takes time.
Focusing on the Individual, the Team and the Organisation
Career Stages builds change processes, performance and competence criteria and involvement processes which assist productivity, motivation, career management and retention. These same factors assist in attracting and retaining new employees while allowing for the effective redeployment of staff where necessary. Our focus is on the individual, the team and the organisation and we bring a host of tools and techniques to assist team performance, motivation, and retention and the longer term successful performance of individual and organisation.
Enabling Change while Retaining Core Expertise
Of course at times of change people leave organisations and are assisted through outplacement. However, retention of key knowledge is an imperative. Career Stages development processes address this important issue and bring appropriate strategies and solutions to each situation. The objective is to enable change while retaining the core expertise of an organisation.
The Career Stages change process is very much intertwined with staff development and retention and follows a flexible approach though involving strict project management principles to ensure the process is accelerated.
