1:1 support
career coaching
change management
strategic development
new horizon transitions
communication strategies
organisational awareness
employee continuation
employee assistance
personal planning
conflict resolution
skills mentoring
full support
Workplace Design
Workplace Design
Career Stages' Work Place Design processes take and ‘outside in and inside out’ view of where the organisation is at in its career and works toward developing a strategy and project plan enabling it to best position itself for future performance gains.
The process sets about meeting the internal and external expectations of the organisation by involving the people involved in creating the organisation of the future. Career Stages looks at the organisation's processes, people, its knowledge, tools and goods or services in addition to viewing the external environment within the organisation exists to focus the organisation toward the future and its benefits. The processes are geared toward establishing processes that support the success of the organisation and its resources as it moves forward to meet new challenges and expectations effectively and with commitment.
There are no pre-conceived ideas – just blank paper and a pencil as the involvement process creates the ideal organisation within which success factors are the key influence for the key resource, its people.
The process is consultative, workshop and forum based requiring the involvement of all levels within the organisation in building a vision for the future and in meeting its expectations.
Of necessity such processes bring about consensual changes which encourage the organisation as a whole to work better because the systems accommodate this.
The Career Stages Work Place Design process is enjoyable and focuses organisations and people on becoming ‘better than best’.
